Find the image of the day !

Next round in: 2h 36m 46s

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1. ancarecord100 %
2. cristian Month leader100 %
3. nini0307100 %
4. emiliana100 %
5. tonle70.240 %
Last week TOP
1. cristian Month leader100 %
2. ancarecord100 %
3. nini0307100 %
4. emiliana100 %
5. tonle44.537 %
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Games won:0
Months won:0
Player class:I Show the TOP
Position in All-Time TOP:150 / 901
Position in TOP consecutive rounds with 100%:131  Next to:  MichaelEi  SuperWek  sorbo70  dragosh3o  giurgiux 
Last appearance:2011-04-07 (13 years and 16 days)
Played rounds:11 / 5485
Participation:0.204 %
Stats for played rounds:Easy: 100% Hard: 55.56% Impossible: 0%
Impossible rounds played:1 / 276
Worst answer:3,685.412 km away in round 2011-01-11
Played rounds deviation:4,195.308 km
Total deviation:109,599,149.308 km
Auto Answer State:Disabled
Last Online:2011-04-07 19:52:29


DatePlaceDifficultyAccuracyQ&AAuto ?
1 2011-04-07 Show answer locationElysee Palace, Paris, France Hard 98.311 % 6 in 37 s -
2 2011-03-12 Show answer locationSendai Airport, Miyagi, Japan Easy 100 % 2 in 30 s -
3 2011-02-06 Show answer locationTrinity Test Site Bunker, New Mexico, United States Hard 100 % 9 in 38 s yes
4 2011-01-31 Show answer locationAl Dar Headquarter, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Hard 99.988 % 3 in 38 s -
5 2011-01-26 Show answer locationGettysburg Battlefield, Pennsylvania, United States Hard 99.195 % 3 in 34 s -
6 2011-01-18 Show answer locationSaint Nicholas Church, Tallinn, Estonia Hard 100 % 5 in 28 s -
7 2011-01-11 Show answer locationHell Rock Formation, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, United Kingdom Impossible 81.592 % 3 in 38 s -
8 2010-12-05 Show answer locationGreat Imperial Map Monument, Kharkhorin, Mongolia Hard 100 % 2 in 38 s -

Locate the image that is displayed every day.

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